
Production testing

Hardware and software testing during all the electronics development stages ensures high quality of the final product.
The services of 「Koyo Denshi Co.,Ltd.」 include testing of software and hardware platforms, testing of printed circuit boards (PCB) and post manufacturing tests (JTAG-testing, etc.)

Type of electronics conducted

・In-circuit testing (ICT/ FICT)

This technique is based on preprocess preparation, manufacturing of tooling, and application of advanced equipment.

・Functional testing (FCT)

Helps check fully or partially assembled devices for correct execution of certain functions defined in the specification.

Technical area

  • Analysis and development

    ・Verification of design document and specification
    ・Identification and analysis of errors detected during software and hardware testing

  • Hardware testing

    ・Inspection of printed circuit boards (visually, by X-ray, etc.)
    ・Development of software for PCB stand-alone inspection and implementation of inspections

  • Functional testing (FCT)

    ・Confirmation that functions defined in specifications are executed correctly
    ・Continuous operation test, operation check in a constant humidity/temperature chamber, noise test, etc.

  • Preparation of products and certification

    ・Preparation and submission of documents for certification
    ・Negotiation between the certification organization and our engineers
    ・Technical support for problem solving